Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Story of David Wenham and The Ammacian Girl

                        Karen from the Philippines started to chat with me on FB in May 2013. In Aug we agreed to meet in Hong Kong where we both worked. We went to the Diamond Hill, and after a whirlwind romance, she kept saying she misses her children and wanted to live back in the Philippines. We left Hong Kong and arrived In Manila Airport on 2nd November 2013. I was given a tourist Visa for 1 month.

                        We travelled to Ammacian Village in Kalinga by bus. She told me I would not need much money the 70,000 pesos I brought with me would last me a year in Ammacian. Her family quickly opened my luggage and took everything but my clothes and laptop. I guess this is normal. At this time I weighed about 280 pounds. The food every day was rice and maybe a small tin of sardines shared between 12 people. The family is poor in Pesos but rich in land. I started to help as much as I could collecting and chopping fire wood and gabi to feed their pigs and even bought a pig for breeding. I started to lose weight rapidly whilst her father started to put weight on. I realized I was doing all the work he used to do whilst he watched TV. Still I was happy. Found out at this time her name was Maribel Agliam not Karen Bangcoc. When my visa was due for renewal we went to Manila by bus to immigration and met her Uncle Camillo Lammawin (two time Mayor Of Tabuk City) and her Uncle Henry Tubban an immigration lawyer who is based at Manila. I did not queue like others but taken to Henry Tubban’s office. He filled out some documents and I gave him cash for the Visa extension for another month. Uncle Camillo then took us to lunch in a nearby restaurant. As we were eating my passport was delivered to me at the restaurant. We travelled back to Tabuk city in Uncle Camillo’ car & stayed 1 night at his house in Bulanao before heading back to Ammacian.
Maribelle spent the cash quickly building a small store and named it “Four Kids”. She started going to Tabuk a lot. She often missed the jeepney to get home and sometimes she was missing 2 or 3 days. I believed her lies. The villagers told me she was cheating on me but I didn’t believe them
I was told the pig I bought for 6000 pesos was blind and no good for breeding and so it was slaughtered the meat sold mainly on credit. I received just over 2000 pesos. The credit never paid. I vowed not to buy pigs again.

                        When my visa was due for renewal there was no cash left. Maribel had spent it all. I was waiting for my house in the UK to be sold but my ex-wife was causing delays.
The villagers started to gossip causing many arguments between Maribel and I. She hit me over the head with the back end of an axe. Her father lied and told her I was telling the villagers she was a prostitute. He wanted us to split because he thought I had no money.
Over the first nine months in Ammacian my weight dropped to 140 pounds I looked like a skeleton.
Because of the lies being told to me about Maribel and about me to her by gossipers I did not know who to believe any more. My mind was spinning. I decided to leave. I went to Bulanao in July 2014 on my own to get my head straight and stayed in a boarding house. I had been sent 16000 peso by a friend in the UK. After a week I got text messages from Maribel “love you miss you etc”. Come back to Ammacian I said no so she then came to Bulnao and stayed in my boarding house we decided to go to Baguio to get away from the gossipers. We travelled to Baguio in August 2014 and stayed in various boarding houses. Maribel got a commission only job with Summit bank to get people to open bank accounts and the a job as waitress in Ebays restaurant. She did not earn much but we could survive. I was still waiting for my UK house to be sold. We were happy most of the time in Baguio. I at this time believed she truly loved me. She worked to get us food and we could just survive. I even started to gain weight again.

                          In October 2015 I finally received the proceeds of my UK house . I bought her a Galaxy J7 cell phone and we started to look for property. She told me she wanted to return to Ammacion. Again I said no but the closest I would live to Ammacian would be Pinukpuk Junction. Within a week I bought a house and lot for 100,000 pesos in her name as foreigners cannot own. I trusted her because of our life in Baguio she had taken good care of me.
It was a small I bed house made of wood and a little hollow block but really nice views. I then asked if we need building permits to start building a house Maribel said not needed in Philippines so I started to buy the materials required and got a local builder to start the work.
Actual building work commenced after the well was finished in February 2016. Maribel would still find excuses to go to Tabuk almost every day leaving me at home with builders. The electric bill for the wooden shack was put in my name as I needed a utility bill for address ID so I could claim some of my private pensions from when I worked in the UK many years before.
Also in February 2016 I bought a jeepney to initially get building materials and to later used as a passenger Jeepney. Cost 100,000 pesos. spent a lot on engine new tyres repais paint job etc total cost nearly 300,000 spent because of vandalism and theft of tyres breaks etc many times. Maribel would accompany the driver and make excuses why she would not be able to return at night.
Eventually we opened the Videoke bar in August 2016. I gave Maribel cash to get the business permit and Inland Revenue certificates etc. The bar was finally opened.
Also in June Maribel went to a wedding when she returned a few days later said she had found a new Jeepney Driver Named Rommel a cousin and that he would now drive our jeepney. She would meet him in Bulanao a lot and sometimes did not come home. In September 2016 She went with him to get wood for the building of the house above the videoke bar. She went missing 3 nights.
They eventually came to the house no wood. They picked me up and we went to Ammacian. I tried to put my arm around her. She shrugged it away and sat closer to Rommel in the front of the Jeepney.
The next few days she would again make excuses to go to Bulanao leaving me to run the bar on my own.

                        One night in September I was running the bar on my own as Maribel had gone to an owwa seminar in Baguio. A fight broke out between drunk customers They went to the street outside. Some locals started throwing rocks at the bar. I went to stop them. I got hit by a rock in a hand to my chin semi knocked out. 4 guys started kicking me on the floor until 1 of them used his body as a shield by laying on top of me. I had a deep gash to my chin caused by the rock and some bruising. I texted Maribel told her what had happened. She found out who it was and reported to the Barangay. I was taken to a clinic in Bulanao for a medical check-up. They took x-rays and gave me pain killers.
Maribel attended the Barangay hearing. They were fined 15,000 pesos that still has not been paid.
One night In October 2016 she came home late evening to the bar with Rommel our jeepny driver He was to stay the night. He drank a few beers Red Horse and got drunk. He stayed in a spare bedroom in the house. Maribel and I then went to bed. A little while later he knocked on our bedroom door Maribel asleep. I was still awake he said in English (very strange he normally can’t speak English) “Maribel come sleep with me again, I want to sleep with you”then Maribel woke up she went to tell him off he got angry. I got up and went to see what was happening. You ruin my life with my wife” rest in dialect, I go home now… she said no.. he tried to punch her I block the punch. He threw the Jeepney keys on the floor and left…He went to Sister Fatima’s house (a cousin of Maribels and drunk told them that Maribel is sleeping with many guys in Bulanao he says he wants her to be his wife… The jeepney tyres had been changed the brand new brakes replaced with rubbish. Holes in the seat covers tools missing. I told Maribel to complain in October she did not until February 2017. I kept asking her why she did not complain did she fuck him.. she always denied. We were happy I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

                        On 20th December 2016 we finally had our cultural wedding such a great night. The Roman Catholic priest came to bless the house and our marriage. No paper signed.
In March 2017 2017 I was sick. I had not eaten for 5 days as many of Maribels’ family visit. I worked 5 days and nights in the bar on my own. The time I locked up all the food had been eaten. Maribel said she would work that night to give me rest. I slept for a while on our couch but woke up at 9.30. there was no singing in the bar I thought she will be up soon. At 10 pm bar closing time she did not come up. At 11 pm I went down. The door was locked. I banged the door. After 2 minutes she opened it 3 very scared looking soldiers were there. No singing no drinking…very strange. I switched off the videoke bar said we are closed go home. They waited out side Maribel and I closed and locked the bar. She went into the house with a big smile wiggling her bum. The soldiers still stayed outside I said go home nothing to see here. They started to throw rocks at me I went inside and locked the door. They tried to break in through the front door. It went quiet and Maribel and I went to bed I said to her what the fuck were you doing down there. “nothing just chatting”.

                        The next morning I discovered the front door lock was broken in a locked position. I shouted at Maribel. See what those bastards did to our door last night. She laughed. Her mother arrived for a visit. I let her try to fix the door lock. Totally broken. I said to her again what did you do last night nothing. She went to the bar with her mother after packing some clothes. I fell backwards fainting from lack of food against a concrete pillar. Scared my back then fell forward breaking 4 ribs. Her son found me semi unconscious on the floor. I could hear but could not move. He told his mum Dad is out cold on the floor. She did not even bother to see if I was OK left with her mum and went to Ammacian for 5 weeks leaving me unable to run the bar as she had taken all the cash and me with broken ribs. I could not leave the house as there was no way to lock from outside. She returned to the house on 29th April 2017, the day after the anniversary of my mothers’ death.
When she returned all seemed well again. We were happy once more apart from she would keep finding excuses not to be at home.
In May 2017, new policemen from Cebu were looking for some nightlife came to the bar. One called Danny rented a room for him and his visiting girlfriend. The bar was shut due to lack of cash to buy stock.

                       Brazilio Boringa was the senior policemen of those that came and spent a lot of cash in the bar. He became very friendly to me and Maribel and would visit often. He would get drunk and pay for a guest room. Then Belle said to him he can stay in the house. We treated him like family. Maribel would tell me she bumped into Brazilio in Bulanao and he bought her new dress shoes food 2 electric fans and a rocking chair, very strange behavior. He said he is not living with his wife but lives with another girl in Cebu. He and Maribel would often just bump into each other and he would buy more things for her.

                       On 26th June 2017 I went to Limos one day to see where Maribels father came from. Maribels suggestion. When I got back I could tell Brazilio had been in he house. I asked Oh I see Brazilio has been here. She shouted no he has not. I said oh come on there are signs he has been here. She shouted again no he has not been here. I said don’t lie to me..again she said he has not been here. I called her a liar and she shout scream at me… you are always accusing me. I said “You are a liar now pack your bags and get the Fuck out of my house” She packed some clothes said we are not married I can fuck whoever I want and gave me her keys to the house then left. I thought she would go to Ammacian she did not. She came back later and asked to come back in. I said No. I let in her Son and Nephew but would not let her back in the house. She stayed with a relative in Pinukpuk Junction. The next day the two boys went to school. She then came to the house “honey honey love you honey I was not having it said she needed some things so I let her in and helped herpack all of her belongings making sure she did not steal from me again. She then left with her belongings and went straight to Brazilio’s house in Taga and moved in with him.

I started to keep a diary of events: –
Saturday 1st July.
Maribel and Brazilio take Lloyd and Ken Ken (her children) to a resort in Bulanao.
Lloyd still living with me. Upon his return I question him as I see new clothes he has he tells me that Maribel and Brazilio are now a couple.

7th July 2017
I have a long text conversation with Brazilio. Tell me soo many lies such as he has been promoted to chief of police for the whole of Kalinga. He is a junior policeman. They have decided to steal everything from me including my life. I decided to smash the windows to my house and my 50 inch TV with stones and tried to kill myself with a meat cleaver to my left wrist.
I am discovered by Maribels cousin Denver who called the police.

14th July 2017
Maribel Has now stolen my Jeepney known as Erika’Secret 2 plus P7,000 from The Driver Canor.

20th July 2017
Maribel has now stolen my Videoke Machine TV and accessories after she found out that I rented it out. They want me to starve to death.
At 9.15 pm on 20th July 2017 six gun shots fired at my house. So scared!

21st July 2017
The Videoke is now returned but Vandalized so it cannot be rented again. Leaving me no source of income till my pension arrives on 20th September 2017.

30th July 2017.
I am trying to rent out the Videoke bar for income so I can survive. Maribel is trying to stop that too. I tell Jurnalyn Aglasi to sort out with Uncle Pedro.

29th July 2017
Maribel messaged Lady boy Rhian Towagon to tell Uncle Pedro not to help me. He is still helping.
1st August 2017
Found out Maribel Face Book Account Erika Karen is posting many lies about me on FB trying to hide her adulteress ways saying things like I hit her tried to strangle her beat her upetc. All not true. Ask the question if it was true then why would she leave her son Karl Lloyd and Nephew with me? No one believes her in Pinukpuk. They know me and they know what she is like.

2nd August 2017
Today the contract for renting out the Videoke bar was supposed to be signed. No one show up. Maribel Stop the meeting as she was seen in Baguio with Brazilio.

3rd August 2017
Told by Uncle Francisco that Maribel is trying to create problems for me with the Pinukpuk Barangay (he is a member). They are helping and defending me because as he said “They know what she is like”. Her relatives are ashamed of her.
At 9.15 Maribel telephoned me from her Smart Number (she had sent me a text from this number on 1st August 2017). This means she is no longer in Ammacian. A cousin told me two days ago that she was seen cuddling a man in Baguio. Brazilio Boringa whose Taga station commander sent him there after a fellow officer reported that my wife was living with him in Taga. I do not take any phone calls from her. I want all communication in Text form.

5th August 2017. The lady who wishes to rent the videoke bar telephoned me to say that Maribel is working on the papers to have me deported so she can get everything.
Last night I was looking at my pictures on my lap top to find new wall paper…I found a file of Maribels that was copied before she went to the owwa offshore migrants day semianar. The pics show she has been planning this for months even before Brazilio met her. She is just using his income. Evil lying woman.

Last Night Lt Edgar Gonzales message me… More of his troops now wish to admit she has been fucking them. Now willing to be witnesses for me.
8th August 2017. Just been told Maribel is advertising my jeepney for sale.
9th August 2017
Brother Jenner told me he saw my videoke machine in Taga for a birthday party Maribel stole my machine rented it out for this party. Tried to steal the machine and finally sent it back vandalized and the tv remote still missing.

10th August 2017
I went to Taga to file complaint against Brazilio Boringa. Was told they will talk to the station commander. They see some video of the wedding held on 20th December 2016. They tell me no papers signed means that Maribel and I are not legally married. They ignore my complaint to protect a fellow police officer. Corruption again.
16th August 2017
Maribel got a guy to steal my cell phone

19th August
Cell returned no sim cards and all messenger messages between Maribel and I deleted. Text messages of evidence still intact
24th August 2017
Immigration police came and apprehended me at my house for over stay. Driven to Manila arriving 2 am on 25th August 2017
25th August 2017. I see the first complaint made to immigration dated 21st September 2016. Just as the house was finished and I received my pension installment on 20th Sept. Maribel told me she had to go to Baguio for an OWWA Seminar. She actually went to Manila Immigration. She report me for being overstay and beating her up. Being violent etc. Absolute nonsense.
I since have found out that she has accused me of trying to strangle her attempted murder hitting her and her children.
The immigration officer told me she went to his offices 4 times to get me deported. The first was as soon as she got my pension income after the house finished.
I am Not Arrested..No Charges…No Hearings… No Lawyer… …No Legal Process.. No Human Rights.. and now No Pesos.
Meanwhile my ex is now stealing my house my two businesses, moved her latest BF in. I am just detained in a corrupt system locked up in a Detention Center (really Jail). Supposed to see charges within 36 hours still waiting been 15 days. Many here have been locked up for many years still not charged..

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